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A Climate of Justice by clicking here
Marvin T. Brown
Aug 26
The Sacred and the Solemn
Both the sacred and the solemn elicit reverence, a reverence for something other than our selves. Both invite us to be reverent, but...
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Marvin T. Brown
Jan 9
Ethics of the 14th Amendment
One of the first principles of ethics is “just because it’s legal, doesn’t make it right.” In fact, one could make a long list of laws...
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Marvin T. Brown
Oct 24, 2023
The Protection of Civilians
A dominant theme of The Climate of Justice is that developing a social climate of justice requires the protection of civilians. Since...
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Marvin T. Brown
May 10, 2022
The Rule of Law vs the Law of Rule
The Supreme Court’s draft statement on abortion clarifies an issue I thought a lot about when writing A Climate of Justice: “Can...
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Marvin T. Brown
Mar 3, 2020
Who will protect us?
All human communities have to do three things: provide for one another, protect one another, and find social meaning. If a community does...
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Marvin T. Brown
Jan 27, 2020
A Climate of Justice and the Rule of Law
So, what is the difference between a climate of justice and a climate of injustice? One difference is that in a climate of injustice,...
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