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A Climate of Justice by clicking here
Marvin T. Brown
Feb 25, 2020
The Clash of Stories on the National Mall
The Museum for African American History and Culture has six floors, and most people start their visit, as I did, by taking an elevator...
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Marvin T. Brown
Feb 17, 2020
The Tailwinds of American Prosperity
The tailwinds are strong They carry our wrongs, If things don’t change, we’ll get where we’re going. Some suffer, some don’t Some go with...
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Marvin T. Brown
Feb 12, 2020
The Climate of Justice and the Protection of Civilians
As you would imagine, in a climate of justice civilians are protected; protected by citizens who enforce the rule of law. When one...
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Marvin T. Brown
Feb 9, 2020
The Atlantic Climate of Injustice
Sometimes a picture is actually worth a thousand words. This may be one of them. The climate of injustice caused by the Atlantic...
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Marvin T. Brown
Feb 5, 2020
The Advantage of Socialism
Socialism brings to mind an area of concern that individualism ignores: the social. This is actually a rather recent “discovery.” The...
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Marvin T. Brown
Feb 3, 2020
Climate of Justice and Climate Justice
So, what’s the difference between the widely used phrase “climate justice” and the climate of justice? The climate of justice and climate...
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Marvin T. Brown
Jan 27, 2020
A Climate of Justice and the Rule of Law
So, what is the difference between a climate of justice and a climate of injustice? One difference is that in a climate of injustice,...
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