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A Climate of Justice by clicking here
Marvin T. Brown
Oct 23
Time for a Civic Conscience
If one’s “conscience” refers to one’s awareness or focus, then there doesn’t seem to be much space or time in this campaign for a “civic...
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Marvin T. Brown
Oct 2
Joy in a Climate of Injustice
What is joy in a climate of injustice? How should we think about Kamala Harris’s politics of joy? First, it is a radical contrast from...
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Marvin T. Brown
Sep 17
Who has been chosen?
If God were a just God, who created everyone, then it seems weird that god would choose some people over others. Or, put it another way,...
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Marvin T. Brown
Jun 25
Our Political Climate is in Crisis
Like the natural world, the world of politics changes temperature depending on its climate. The current heat waves, fires, and floods...
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Marvin T. Brown
May 28
Our Domestic Imperial Climate
Of the many barriers to a climate of justice, few appear as difficult to overcome as the contempt for the rule of law that we are...
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Marvin T. Brown
May 9
The Principle of Coherence and Conflicting Memories
In a liberal household and even in a liberal society, we tend to let each other keep their memories, even when we disagree. Most of us...
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Marvin T. Brown
Apr 3
The Civic Context of Political Campaigns
Political campaigns always occur in some context, and it turns out that the context makes quite a difference. I will use the...
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Marvin T. Brown
Jan 23
D.E.I. vs U.M.E.
David French recently wrote in the NYTimes that it would be a good idea to not use “D.E.I.” anymore because it has been misused...
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Marvin T. Brown
Nov 15, 2023
Cooperation vs Domination
Cooperation seems so normal. When I first looked at Bernard E. Harcourt’s book titled “Cooperation,” I wasn’t sure it was worth a...
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Marvin T. Brown
Sep 27, 2023
Signs of Justice
How can we tell if we are moving toward a climate of justice? What are the signs we should be looking for? There are signs we are moving...
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Marvin T. Brown
Sep 13, 2023
How can Catholics become Originalists?
Maybe a weird question until you remember that the US Supreme Court is dominated by Catholic originalists. Now that is something to...
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Marvin T. Brown
Aug 9, 2023
Civic vs Religious Disagreement
It’s hard to underestimate the significance of the separation between church and state. Simply put, it grounds our answers to questions...
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Marvin T. Brown
Jul 20, 2023
The trouble with Christian Nationalism
What’s troubling about Christian Nationalism is not only its arrogance, but also its withdrawal from reality. At least that seems to be...
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Marvin T. Brown
Feb 22, 2023
America’s Soul and The Climate of Injustice
When Joe Biden spoke of saving “America’s soul” on the campaign trail, I hoped it was a temporary lapse, but it seems I was wrong. He...
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Marvin T. Brown
Oct 3, 2022
It’s Story Time
As we approach the mid-terms, more than one commentator has framed the key question as “who controls the narrative.” One might think that...
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Marvin T. Brown
Nov 3, 2021
A Framework for Our Thinking
It seems much more complicated to get out of the mess we are in than it was to get in it. You can change the game of basketball a bit,...
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Marvin T. Brown
Jan 18, 2021
The Voice of Social Justice
As I approached the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in the month before the pandemic, I heard a recording of Dr. King’s voice, a voice...
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Marvin T. Brown
Nov 1, 2020
Should we stop using the “P” word?
We know the “N” word is out-of-bounds in most conversations, what about the “P” word? As you may have read, the voters of Rhode Island...
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Marvin T. Brown
Oct 15, 2020
My Interview with Ann Coney Barrett
This interview may seem a bit strange, since I composed the whole thing. Still, your nomination to the Supreme Court raises some...
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Marvin T. Brown
Oct 8, 2020
How To Protect What We Share
First lesson from 2020: We cannot protect what we have without protecting what we share. In Southern Oregon, fires destroyed the small...
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