On the one hand, our pluralistic society is taking a serious hit.
On the other hand, communities of solidarity are supporting each other. Diversity is not just a goal. It is also a fact.
On the one hand, the 2025 Project is guiding the Trump administration.
On the other hand, we can resist and delay the worst offenses.
On the one hand, the pundits worry that the Democratic Party is out of touch with the working class.
On the other hand, the pundits rarely talk about the impact of race and gender in Trump’s victory.
On the one hand, the Republican controlled Congress has submitted to King Trump
On the other hand, lawyers and courts have stood up to protect the rule of law.
On the one hand, lying at Congressional hearings as become as normal as drinking coffee.
On the other hand, more of us have become less gullible.
On the one hand, state operatives seem bent on installing a dictator.
On the other hand, alongside the power of the state resides the power of civil society: the power of the vote, of political parties (those not corrupted) and the power of the press. While the state’s power resides in the threat of violence, civil power resides in persuasion. Let’s face it. People were talked into this mess. We need to talk them out of it.
On the one hand, we are entering a dark hole.
On the other hand, the hole could be either a cave or a tunnel. If a tunnel, we need to look for the light. There may be light if our civic institutions are protected and this fall, we begin working on the mid-terms in 2026.
On the one hand, the executives seem intent on destroying a climate of justice.
On the other hand, this backlash may create a stronger resistance than we could ever imagine.
On the one hand, this climate of injustice has rarely produced such a chill over us
On the other hand, some of us still have the power to move toward a climate of justice in word and in deed.
On the one hand, untold numbers are victims of Trump’s policies.
On the other hand, there is no other hand, except when we can lend a hand to assist them.