The tailwinds are strong
They carry our wrongs,
If things don’t change,
we’ll get where we’re going.
Some suffer, some don’t
Some go with the flow
They fit right in
Others get it on the chin.
If you can go with the flow
You won’t feel a thing.
Until it’s too late
Then you’ll feel its sting
It didn't have to be this way
Human choices created today
The tailwinds are ours
They reflect the color of our skin
They reveal the white man’s sin.
Yes, the tailwinds are strong
They have such force,
But the headwinds are growing
We could change course.
It’s a turbulent time
Our stories are clashing
The Oceans are rising and
Civilians are uniting.
We share a humanity
born in Africa,
Inhabiting the earth
Searching for a home.
With every breath we take
The wind does us make
It's the breath of life
that holds us together
It's that simple;
It's like the weather.